Great game, lots of potential, but I feel its restricted due to the extremely poor customer service and poor setup of iap.. Im not the typical complaintent that plays at a disadvantage due to the inability or frugalness to spend money, this is one of my Hobbys so I spend to support the game devs and increase enjoyment in game.. I feel the pay to win aspect is a little too heavy in this game and with the amount I spend (all Ill say is in the thousands) the more adv for spenders is to my benefit so Im not biased.. But non spenders need to be able to compete as well or in this case, even play as just attacking period will require to spend in order to, or at least semi regularly.. This I feels holds the game back from thriving as encouragement to engage one another is far to neglected.. Good things have been changed such as reward increases.. That helps a lot.. But I feel certain game items should be easier attainable through game play alone, not just by means of gold, which u can only get very little of without purchasing... Encourage game play more and spending less ! This will create more players, which in turn should make up for the lost revenue in dialling down emphasis on gold in order to succeed and the increase in ad revenue from traffic increase will help a little too.. I honestly feel with the right balance in game dynamics among other tweaks/changes to current functions, which I wont go into detail with, that Plarium could even increase their total income by a considerable margin. Sure it will work under the current system in the short term, with good revenue, but until the players are for the most part happy with the current, it will only ride on the back of the general game composition for so long before interest is lost completely as it is heading now with a lot of players being close to parting ways, no matter their lol of commitment/invest,net.. Far too quick of a turn rate in this game, ppl quitting always.. Just not possible to sustain for the long term this way.. If this is their plan for a short term, it will,be seen by the experienced players and the core of Vikings community will disintegrate or at very least slow or stop spending all together which will bring the death of the game